IFCES' structure:

IFCES (the International Forum for the Certification of Educational Services) is an international alliance of associations and other entities involved in quality assurance, certification, research and professional development in the field of learning services. Its secretariat is run by JAMOTE, the Japan Association for Management of Education and Training.

IFCES' mission:

To contribute to the improvement of quality in the provision of learning services by developing international expertise to support certification against ISO 29990 and related standards.

IFCES' background:

Non-formal education and training is an important new area in standardization, and ISO 29990 is a significant step forward in international standards development.

ISO 29990 is an international standard specifying basic requirements for providers of learning services in non-formal education and training. Non-formal education and training takes place outside the school and university degree system. Examples include workplace and on-the job training, adult education, and life-long learning.

More standards based on ISO 29990 are being developed, for example ISO 29991 for providers of language learning services. New methods and agreed criteria are needed for assessing conformity with such standards. IFCES members aim to ensure that good certification and support services are available to users of standards in education and training.


International Forum for the Certification of Educational Services